What are "Billable" transactions?

We count "billable" transactions as any imported financial record that affects the balance of your eBay, Etsy, Poshmark, bank and credit card accounts (PayPal too.) Orders, refunds, payouts, deposits, withdrawals, transfers - each one counts as a billable transaction. This includes transactions that come via a direct API integration as well as transactions that are uploaded via CSV.

However, there are several examples of financial transactions that we do not count as "billable" for. They include:

  • Manually entered transactions: anything you type into Seller Ledger is excluded from billing thresholds
  • eBay and Etsy fees that are not included in an order (like Insertion Fees, Transaction fees and Ad fees.) eBay and Etsy have a lot of fees that have very small amounts . They could quickly push users over our thresholds, so we have chosen not to count them.
  • Order details: in addition to importing transactions that affect your account balances, we also pull more detail in from orders so that we can split out things like shipping amounts collected and order-specific fees. But we do not charge for that extra information.

​We also show you a count of your recent transactions on the billing page so you can see where you would fall before committing to a paid plan: https://app.sellerledger.com/settings/billing/plans

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