What happens if I go over the transaction limit for my plan?

We know that eCommerce businesses can be a very seasonal, so we have rolled out a billing policy that reflects that.

Extra Volume Pricing

If you have a month where your transaction volume exceeds your plan's limit by more that 10%, Seller Ledger will simply charge you the difference between the monthly rate you would have paid and what you paid for on the current plan. We allow each customer to go over their limit by a small amount because we don't want to start charging extra for only a handful of surplus transactions.

We will not force you to upgrade plans

Monthly plan subscribers

Let's say you are on the Starter Plan, which costs $10 per month for up to 250 transactions. But maybe in one of your busier months, you have 300 transactions. The month after importing 300 transactions, you would see an extra charge of $10 (showing us "Transaction Surcharge" on your invoice/statement), which represents the difference between the Growth plan ($20/mo for up to 1,000 transactions) and your Starter plan ($10/mo.)

Now what would happen if you had an enormous jump in business, and had more than 1,500 transactions in a month? We would apply the same logic, but charge an addition $40, which represents the difference between the Professional plan ($50/mo for up to 5,000 transactions) and the Starter plan ($10/mo)

Monthly subscribers will see surcharges show up on their standard monthly invoices.

Annual plan subscribers

Annual plan subscribers, who are used to paying for Seller Ledger once per year (and effectively get 2 months free based on the discounted pricing,) would start to see additional charges in months where they exceed their monthly transaction limit.

Let's take the example of a Starter plan subscriber who chose the $100 annual option. While the annual renewal would still occur at $100 on the anniversary of the subscription, if you had 300 transactions in a month, the following month you would see a charge for $10, using the same logic as above. If you jumped to 1,500 transactions in a month, you would also see a charge for $40 in the following month.

Annual subscribers will receive an additional invoice for any surcharges on the 3rd day of the month following any extra transaction volume.

How can I tell how close I am to going over the limit?

We recently added a new section to the Settings -> Billing screen that allows you to expand to see the last 3 months with your transaction counts.

Should I upgrade my plan?

You do not need to upgrade to a higher plan, as we do the work to calculate when you go over. That being said, if you are an annual plan subscriber, and you end up going over your monthly limit every month of the year - first, congratulations on the growth in your business; second, you could likely save money by upgrading to a higher plan to take advantage of those 2 free months.

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