How often do connected accounts update?

Seller Ledger tries to keep your connected accounts as current as we can. That said, as an accounting and bookkeeping application, we are not "real-time." Our ability to update transaction history and current balance information depends on the type of connected account:

  1. Online Sales Channel/Marketplace: for platforms like eBay, Amazon, Etsy, Shopify, etc, where we have build direct integrations, we are usually able to update transactions at least once per day. Note that this could change if the sales channel/marketplace is having issues with their own API.
  2. Banks, credit cards and PayPal: Seller Ledger partners with a company called Plaid to connect to these types of accounts. Rather than us initiating requests for new transactions and balances, Plaid let's us know when new transactions are available to be downloaded. Their stated goal is to inform us of new transactions each day, but it can sometimes take longer. This is especially true on a bank-by-bank basis, as some banks are much better at making new data available than others.
  3. CSV formatted files from Poshmark, Mercari, WhatNot, and any poorly supported banks: because the files must be pulled down from their source website, the frequency is entirely up to you as a user. You can do this weekly, monthly, or even once a year.
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