Handling transfers between accounts
At Seller Ledger, we use the term "transfer" to describe any transaction between two accounts that does not impact your profit or loss. There are a handful of different scenarios that you may see involving transfers between accounts.
The most common types of transfers are payments between bank accounts (for example, when you pay your credit card bill.) We do our best to try to automatically identify these transactions as transfers, but if we are unable to, it's quite easy to do it yourself. Simply click the "categorize" button and scroll to the bottom of the category list. There you will see a section for Transfers, with your linked accounts in Seller Ledger. Just choose the other account this transaction affects.
Another type of transfer is an eBay (or Amazon, Etsy, etc) payout, which shows up as a withdrawal from your eBay/Amazon/Etsy, etc, account and as a deposit in your bank account (or wherever you have told eBay (or other sales channel)(to pay you your money.) We do a pretty decent job of automatically detecting these and marking them as transfers in both places.
Again, if for some reason we don't recognize them automatically, you can, from your bank account, click the "categorize" button and choose a "Transfer: xxxx" option where xxxx would be the name of your eBay account. This will tell us that that deposit is a transfer, and not income.
The last scenario is where you may have a deposit from or a transfer to an account that's not linked to Seller Ledger (these are often personal accounts, where you're sweeping funds out, or pulling funds in.) For those, you can scroll to the bottom of the list and you will see an option for "Transfer: Non-connected Account." Simply choose that, and you're all set.