How do I delete sub-categories that I've added?

You can delete a sub-category that you'd added, but only if you don't have any transactions associated with it and it's not being used to customize how transactions get imported from online marketplaces.

One quick way to verify that the sub-category doesn't have any transactions associated with it is to look at your Profit and Loss report ( - if the totals for that sub-category show $0.00, then you likely don't have any transactions associated with it. But make sure to check different years, as you could have an older transaction.

To check to see if it is being used to customize how imported transactions are classified, go to and look under the "Category Mapping" column. If your see the undesired sub-category there, click the edit (pencil) icon and change to another category or sub-category.

Once you are sure that there are no transactions or category mappings that use the sub-category, when you go to and click the pencil icon next to the subcategory you wish to remove, there will be a "Delete" button to the right, like the screen below:

If that "Delete" button is not visible, it means there are still some transactions in your account that use that sub-category or a custom mapping. Go find those transactions, re-categorize to another category/sub-category, or remove the custom mapping, and then you should be able to delete this unused sub-category.

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